Tag: console project

  • Cube64 GameCube to N64 Adaptor

    Cube64 GameCube to N64 Adaptor

    Enjoy retro N64 games, but can’t stand the controller? That’s the situation I found myself in about 7 years ago, back in 2004. So I built an adaptor, to use Game Cube controllers on the N64. (tl;dr… Cube64-DX on Google Code) The adaptor hardware is very simple- all you need is a PIC microcontroller. I…

  • DSi hacking, BGA rework

    DSi hacking, BGA rework

    I got a Nintendo DSi earlier this month. It’s a really cute little console, and a nice revision to the DS Lite. Screens are slightly larger, CPU is about twice as fast, 4x the RAM. And of course it has these camera thingies. Other folks have teardowns online with internal photos aplenty 🙂 So, I…

  • Hardware hackery and the Dual Shock protocol

    Hardware hackery and the Dual Shock protocol

    The hardware-tinkering mood I’ve been in lately shows no sign of subsiding. The theme this time: Everything over cat5. Backing up a bit… It’s summer! Hooray. So, how does one make the most of the season without actually doing something crazy like going outdoors? Of course the answer is to play video games in a…

  • Latest Altoids artwork

    Latest Altoids artwork

    Medium: Altoids tin, Keyspan USA-19HS (modified), PS2 Multitap (modified), 74HCT04 inverting buffer, discrete passive components, solder, wire, epoxy. Artist’s inspiration: Dorky boyfriend that crafts Final Fantasy Tactics characters with the precision of a meticulous dungeonmaster 🙂 (Yes, it’s a USB Playstation memory card reader/writer. Firmware and source code for Mac OS and Linux is in…