Tag: kit
scanlime035 – Lite2Sound BC
Is there a synthesizer in your LED, or a song in the shadows? Are your lights quiet or do they roar? This surface mount soldering kit from Boldport and Rare Waves will help you hear the audio-frequency signals that hitch a ride on any light source, whether it’s modulated LEDs or the shadow of fluttering…
scanlime034 – Tiny Oven Kit
This cute 3D soldering kit makes for a chill build video. The package comes our way as a crowdfunding reward, from pitching in to help Signal Ditch buy a reflow oven. Now we can all enjoy the sights and sounds of the build, but sadly I can’t share the sweet epoxy fumes. (Please do not…
bigclive’s LED Tree – scanlime:025
Join me in assembling a surprise LED lighting kit from bigclive himself! Check out his channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/bigclivedotcom Subscribe to YouTube notifications or follow https://twitter.com/scanlimelive for live streaming announcements. I’m also streaming on Twitch now, at https://twitch.tv/scanlime Please consider supporting me on Patreon so I can keep making these vids! https://www.patreon.com/scanlime
Boldport Stringy Synthesizer – scanlime:024
Last month’s Boldport Club kit was a collaboration with Madlab to produce this beautiful little guitar synthesizer kit, the Stringy! You can learn more about the Boldport Club and get your own delighful kits by signing up at https://www.boldport.club/ Please consider supporting me on Patreon so I can keep making these vids! https://www.patreon.com/scanlime Subscribe to…
scanlime:017 / Boldport #3, Cordwood Puzzle
Assembling the Cordwood Puzzle, an electronics kit from the Boldport Club subscription service. It’s a close look at a relaxing build with a vintage look and delightfully unique design. Check out Saar’s work: https://www.boldport.com/ This video was filmed in front of a live Internet audience. Stream archives: Dec 2, 2016: https://youtu.be/OodND7hXA-A?list=PLhbhmdpDp9xFvxH7lYiD0mnCrw4dqgasJ Dec 4, 2016: https://youtu.be/zGrPml4o_Cg?list=PLhbhmdpDp9xFvxH7lYiD0mnCrw4dqgasJ
scanlime:014 / Boldport #2 – Superhero
Finally, another Boldport video! This time a short music video based on the Engineer Superhero kit, assembled in original form and in a variant that includes a coin cell to power the LED and a piezo button to charge the 2N7000 MOSFET gate and make the LED glow for a while. The sound track was…
scanlime:008 / Boldport #1 – Pease
I jumped at the opportunity to get hardware in the mail from another like-minded art hacker. In this video I’ll unbox the kit, assemble it delicately, and finally I’ll have to make some squiggles and beeps with it. Link to Saar’s Boldport Club: https://www.boldport.com/club You can also hear more from Saar himself in this episode…