Tag: hacking
Feiyu Gimbal Serial Hack – scanlime:021
Join this reverse-engineering journey where I wind through software and hardware in a Feiyu Tech Mini3D gimbal, in order to give it serial controls more suitable for my Tuco Flyer robot project. I start out by taking apart the wire protocol used by the settings app, then after accidentally breaking the gimbal we have to…
scanlime:007 / USB Disk Recorder Part 2
Continuing the adventures from Part 1, this video wanders along several tangential paths, trying to get some data out of this device worthy of reversing. This time we spend a bit more time in IDA looking for Z80 code, tinker with SCSI trying to break things, and we even do some necromancy in trying to…
scanlime:006 / USB Disk Recorder Part 1
This time I find something in my junk drawer with a few teeth marks on it, and it leads to a weirdly specialized CPU built on a super oldschool core.