Tag: Friends

  • Random update, DIY Wirelesss Guitar Hero

    Random update, DIY Wirelesss Guitar Hero

    Yikes, it’s been nearly a month since I updated this last. A lot has happened since then… but I’ll skip to some more recent things. David is a Californian, as of last Tuesday! He kept busy buying furniture and waiting in line at the DMV, but I did manage to see him at my birthday…

  • Surely I’m not the only one?

    Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that you built a time machine.. out of a Saratoga? The way I see it, if you’re gonna build a time machine into a plane, why not do it with some style? Uh, does it run on regular unleaded gasoline? Unfortunately no, it requires something with a…

  • Random Update

    Random Update

    Well, it’s been a while since I’ve updated. Nothing on its own recently has inspired me much to write, but I have some smallish things to mention. I have a new laptop on the way! My 700 MHz Pentium III with 192MB of RAM was just getting too clunky for day-to-day use. I recently ordered…

  • CIA Updates, Cappucino in The City

    Database v7 Well, it’s been a busy past couple days, but I have some great news to report with regards to CIA. The new database backend I’ve been hacking at for the past couple weeks is now in place, and the performance is great. So, to back up a bit… CIA uses MySQL. It has…