Tag: Energy

  • Open source extra-sensitive high resolution TED receiver

    Open source extra-sensitive high resolution TED receiver

    Previously on the bloggy blog, I posted a few of my projects related to home data acquisition and to The Energy Detective (TED), a whole-house power measurement device. I made a set of homebrew wireless temperature sensors that display graphs on a digital picture frame, I reverse engineered the TED protocol, built a small self-contained…

  • The Kilowatt Clock

    The Kilowatt Clock

    I thought I’d try putting together a YouTube video to show my latest crazy project. As usual, the schematic (navi-misc/tedrx/hardware/kwclock-v1-schematic.png) and firmware (navi-misc/tedrx/firmware/kwclock/main.c) is in Subversion.

  • Self-contained TED receiver

    Self-contained TED receiver

    My previous entry introduced a homebrew receiver for the powerline-based data protocol used by The Energy Detective. I just designed a second revision of that receiver. This one is self-contained: It gets power and modulated data from a 9V AC wall-wart transformer, and decoded data leaves via an RS-232 serial port at 9600 baud. Best…

  • Interfacing with The Energy Detective

    Interfacing with The Energy Detective

    I recently bought The Energy Detective (TED), a pretty inexpensive and friendly way to keep tabs on your whole house’s electricity usage. It’s a lot like having a more featureful version of your utility company’s power meter, sitting on your kitchen counter. It can estimate your utility bill, and tell you how much electricity and…

  • Measuring energy usage

    Measuring energy usage

    Lately I’ve been interested in measuring whole-house power consumption. I’d like to know where my electric bill is going, how often I forget to turn the lights off, how much the CFL bulbs are actually helping, etc. Besides, I really like measuring things in real-time and displaying them in interesting ways 😉 So, I’ve been…