Tag: music video

  • scanlime041 – Pineapple Slime Oscillator

    Watch on YouTube or Diode Zone: Assemble the Boldport Ananas with me, in a trippy music video full of fluorescent goo and disco ball motors! This is a fun electronics kit that calmly pulses its yellow LEDs with a set of transistorized ring oscillators. Thank you so much for watching, subscribing, and sharing my videos.…

  • scanlime:014 / Boldport #2 – Superhero

    Finally, another Boldport video! This time a short music video based on the Engineer Superhero kit, assembled in original form and in a variant that includes a coin cell to power the LED and a piezo button to charge the 2N7000 MOSFET gate and make the LED glow for a while. The sound track was…